2023 winners – Stefan Davies/Kieran Price
(photo courtesy of Brian Gilbert)
(photograph was taken on private land)

STARK Building Materials UK Limited Jewson Aberaeron, Station Yard Aberaeron SA46 0EA
13th /14th July 2024 A round of the WAMC, ANWCC & WBCC championships.
Welcome to the 2024 Barcud Rally. We are pleased to once again be a round of the WAMC, ANWCC and WBCC championships. As with previous years, the event will start and finish in the Tregaron area and we can promise you a testing
route of 80 miles on maps 135 and 146. The event will include approximately two miles of unsurfaced roads, so sumpguards are advisable. The entry fee will include two breakfast tickets.
Please note that, as a condition of entering the event, every crew must provid e a marshal no marshal, no start and no refund of entry fee.
Please note that the eligibility criteria for classes 1 and 3 may differ slightly from those on other events.
1992 Tudor Griffiths/Huw Lewis (Escort 2.0)
1993 Dai Davies/Alun Cook (Escort 2.0)
1994 Gary Davies/Dorian Evans (Escort 2.0)
1995 Hefin Lewis/Deian Rees (Sierra 2.0)
1996 Elgan Jones/Deian Rees (Astra 1.8)
1997 Alan Gaunt/Maurice Leach (Peugeot 205)
1998 Martin O’Connor/Peter Collins (Astr a 1.8)
1999 Neil Griffiths/Carl Williamson (Escort 2.0)
2000 Phil Turner/Nigel Roberts (Golf GTi 2.0)
2002 Gareth “Gog” Jones/Patrick Walsh (Escort 2.0)
2003 Gareth Jones/Dave Pitchford (Corolla 1.6)
2004 Gareth Jones/Steve Herbert (Cor olla 1.6)
2005 John Davies/Anthony Davies (Astra 2.0)
2006 Gary Davies/Dorian Evans (Escort 2.4)
2007 Steve Wood/Aled Richards (Peugeot 206)
2008 Arwel Hughes Jones/Dylan John Williams (Escort 2.0)
2009 Steve Wood/Aled Richards (Peugeot 206)
2010 Adrian Jones/Dylan Jenkins (Impreza 2.5)
2011 Hywel Davies/Nick Bloxham (Escort 2.0)
2012 Meirion Evans/Iwan Jones (Escort 2.4)
2013 Justin Jones/Nia Hughes (Escort 2.0)
2014 Ian Roberts/Gwawr Hughes (Golf Gti 2.0)
2015 Cerith Jones/Deian Rees (Escort 2.0)
2016 Sean Crowley/Dorian Evans (Escort 2.0)
2017 Kevin Davies/Andrew Edwards (Escort 2.0)
2019 Gavin Wyn Edwards/Cadog Davies (Escort 2.0)
2023 Stefan Davies/Kieran Price (Escort 2.0)
Tregaron Leisure Centre – Start venue
Clwb Bowlio Tregaron – Finish venue
Scrutineering & Environmental Scrutineering venue
The Brotherhood results service
Motorsport UK
Dyfed Powys Police
Dorian Evans, RLO
All officials, marshals and residents en route
• Announcement
Barcud Motor Club will promote an Interclub road rally on 13th/14th July 2024, to be called the Barcud Rally.
• Jurisdiction
The meeting will be governed by the general competition rules of Motorsport UK (incorporating the provisions of the International Sporting Code of the FIA), these supplementary regulations and any written instructions that the organising club may issue for the event.
• Authorisation
Motorsport UK permit number 136218
DOE authorisation number 26012JY13/14
• Eligibility
The event is open to all fully elected members of Barcud Motor Club and all members of the AWMMC, ANWCC and WAMC. Club membership cards, competition licences, championship registrations and NES insurance (if held) letters will be inspected at signing on.
• Start and Finish
The event will start from Tregaron at 22.00 (car 0) on 13 July and finish at Clwb Bowlio Tregaron at approximately 02.55 on 14 July. The total mileage will be approximately 80 on maps 135 and 146 (OS Landranger 1:50,000 series), latest editions. The event will contain competitive sections on the public highway, timed to an accuracy of less than one minute. These
sections will be run in accordance with the requirements of Motorsport UK.
Cars will leave the start at intervals of one minute.
Environmental Scrutineering and Scrutineering will open at 17.00. Individual times may be given in the Final Instructions. Any competitor not signed on by 20.30 may be excluded and his/her place offered to a reserve. Cars will be identified by two rally plates, supplied by the organisers, which must be affixed to the nearside window and rear of the car. These should be removed at the finish of the event or on retirement, whichever is sooner. It is the competitors’ responsibility to ensure that th e plates are legible throughout the event.
Competitors should ensure that they carry enough fuel (which may ONLY be in the fuel tank of the car no cans or similar may be carried) for 80 miles. Availability of fuel before the start of the event will be advised in the final instructions. All the organisers’ times and mileages shall be deemed to be correct, having been established according to R6.2.4. All organisers’ road signs are mandatory No, Care, Quiet, OK, arrows (R14.1.7). Please note that there will NOT be a halfway petrol halt on this year’s event.
Competitors will be supplied with a rally pack on successful completion of signingsigning–on. The entire route will be denoted by six figure map references, on. The entire route will be denoted by six figure map references, containing all the information necessary to enable containing all the information necessary to enable the competitors to comply the competitors to comply with R9.1.1, R9.1.2, R9.2, R9.2.1, R9.2.2 and R9.2.3. All map references with R9.1.1, R9.1.2, R9.2, R9.2.1, R9.2.2 and R9.2.3. All map references have been plotted using a “Basic Roamer”, and this will be used in the event have been plotted using a “Basic Roamer”, and this will be used in the event of any dispute.of any dispute.
• Classes
The event will consist of three classes, as follows:-
Class 1 – Experts
You must enter class 1 if:-
• Either member of the crew has finished 1st to 5th overall on an Interclub, or Clubman status event ON ONE (OR MORE) OCCASIONS
• Either member of the crew has finished from 6th to 10th overall on an Interclub, or Clubman status event ON MORE THAN ONE OCCASION
Class 2 – Semi Experts
Crews not eligible for either class 1 or 3.
Class 3 – Novices
Neither member of the crew having won the Novice class (Class 3) on any rally (excluding 12 cars), nor finished in a position that would place either crew member in Class 1.
• Crews eligible for two classes must enter the higher class.
• Crews may be reclassified at the discretion of the organisers.
• Entries accepted without seeding information will be allocated a start number at the end of their class.
• Competitors’ results on stage rallies may be used at the organisers’ discretion.
• NO discussion will be entered into regarding seeding.
• Awards
Awards will be presented as follows:-
First overall – two awards
First in each class – two awards
Second in each class – two awards
Third in each class – two awards
Best Mixed or All-female crew – two awards
Highest placed under 1400cc crew – two awards
Best Presented Car – two awards
No crew may win more than one award, other than the “Best Presented Car” award. Other awards may be announced in the Final Instructions.
• Entries
The entry list opens on publication of these regulations and closes on Saturday, 29th June 2024. Entries can only be made online, using the system. Payment can be made either by bank transfer or by cheque. Entries paid for by cheque will be held in abeyance until the cheque has been received by the Entries Secretary, and subsequently cleared by the competitor’s bank for payment. The Entry Fee for the event is £130.00, which includes two breakfasts.
All payments made on the night MUST be in cash. No other method of payment will be accepted.
The maximum entry for the event is 90, plus 5 reserves per class. The maximum for each class is 50 and the minimum 10. The minimum for the event is 50. Should any of the minimum figures not be reached, the organisers reserve the right to amalgamate classes or cancel the event as necessary. Entries will be selected on a first come, first served basis, although the organisers may give priority to those competing in one or more of the specified championships, providing they have entered within ten days of entries opening. Any entry accompanied by a post-dated cheque (where payment is made by cheque) will be deemed not to have arrived until the date of the cheque. Any entry containing a false or incorrect statement shall be null and void and the entrant deemed to be in contravention of the General Competition Rules of Motorsport UK. The entry may be forfeited, in accordance with D19. The organisers may conduct random checks, in order to establish the accuracy of some or all the information given on the entry form. The organisers reserve the right to refuse any entry without a specified reason.
It is a condition of acceptance of entry that ALL competitors must provide at least one marshal for the event. Their details must be given on the entry form, their marshals must sign on at the start of the event and they must remain at their designated control for the duration of that control being open. Failure to do ANY of these will result in the exclusion of the competitor who supplied that particular marshalling crew and no entry fees will be returned. Please remember – NO MARSHAL, NO START.
Cancelled entries
Entry fees may be refunded, less an administration fee of £20, if cancelled in writing (NOT verbally), before the closing date for entries. Entries cancelled after that date will only be refunded, less an administration fee of £20, subject to there being a reserve crew to take their place. Please note that no refunds will be given until after the date of the event.
• Officials
Clerks of the Course – Paul Jones (07980 120328)
Holly Evans (07843 180690)
Assistant Clerk of the Course – Paul Rooke (07791 915516)
Entry Secretary & Secretary of the Meeting – Kirsty Rooke
Chief Marshals – Amy Evans
Twm Davies
Anthony Rooke
Chief Scrutineer – Mike Bartlett
Eligibility Scrutineer – Neil White
Environmental Scrutineer – Rob Duke
Timekeeper – Steve Price
Stewards – Dafydd Williams
Ceri Davies
Driving Standards Observer – A list of these will be displayed at signing on and/or MC1
WAMC DSO – Nigel Phillips
Results – The Brotherhood
Child Protection Officer – Amy Evans
Other officials may be announced in the Final Instructions, on the official notice board at signing on, MC 0, MC 1 (IN) or MC 1 (OUT).
• GCR modifications
All GCRs of Motorsport UK apply as written, except for those below:-
R14.1 Checks may be established without prior notice to observe standards of driving, condition of car, compliance with route instructions e.g. Quiet Zones or Give Ways.
R6.3.1 Any notice displayed at the Start, or en route, bearing the signature of any of the Clerks of the Course, or the Secretary of the Meeting, shall have the same authority as these regulations. It is the competitors’ responsibility to note any information displayed at the Start.
R9.1.1/9.1.2 All competitors must stop at all junctions approached on roads controlled by Stop or Give Way signs. THIS MUST BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE ROAD TRAFFIC ACT. CARS MUST NOT STOP “SIDEWAYS”, NOR ENCROACH TO THE RIGHT-HAND SIDE OF THE JUNCTIONS, IF THE ROAD MARKINGS ARE DIVIDED INTO EXIT/ENTER AREAS. All such junctions will be contained within the route card, along with other junctions where the organisers require them to stop. A number of such junctions will be manned by Driving Standards Observers.
R12.2.7 Maximum permitted lateness for all classes will be as follows:-
From MC 1 to MC 2 – 10m 59s
From MC 3 to TC 30S – 30m 59s
At MC 4N – 45m 59s
R12.8/12.8.1 Certain sections of the route will be timed to an accuracy of less than one minute.
R15.1/15.1.1 To be classified as a finisher, a competitor must report to, and provide proof of visiting, at least two thirds of the controls listed on the route/time/passage cards, ALL Main Controls and report to the Damage control at the Finish, within their maximum permitted lateness, in the car in which they entered the event, which must be travelling under its own power i.e. not being towed/pushed.
• Penalties
Performance will be assessed using the “Fail” system (Section R, Appendix 1, Chart 13), modified as follows:-
• Not reporting at a Time control – 1 Fail
• Not providing proof of having visited any Time control – 1 Fail
• Not reporting at a Passage control – 5 marks (minutes)
• Nor providing proof of having visited any Passage control – 5 marks
• Failure to comply with route instructions – 1 Fail
• Passing through any control more than once – 1 Fail per offence
• Failure to obtain a signature for a code board at the next manned control – 5 marks per offence
• Failure to note information on a code board, or noting information incorrectly – 5 marks
• Wrong approach to, or departure from, any Time control – 1 Fail
• Wrong approach to, or departure from, any Passage control, route check or other route card instruction (not including any time controls, which are penalised as above) – 5 marks
• Not complying with a reasonable instruction by an official, providing warning is given that a penalty will be applied – first offence, 1 Fail; second offence – EXCLUSION
• Controls situated at the end of a Standard Section – early arrival, 2 marks per minute (where timed to the minute), or 2/60th marks per second (where timed to the second); late arrival (where timed to the minute) – 1 mark per minute; where timed to the second – 1/60th mark per second
• Controls situated at the end of a Neutral Section – early arrival, 1 Fail; late arrival, no penalty, but any lateness incurred will be cumulative towards maximum permitted lateness
• Controls situated at the end of a Transport Section – making up more than the four minutes allowed, or accepting a time earlier than their original due time – 1 Fail; late arrival, no penalty, but any lateness incurred will be cumulative towards maximum permitted lateness
• Reporting at any time control (other than Main Controls) outside maximum permitted lateness – 1 Fail per offence
• Reporting at a Main Control outside maximum permitted lateness – EXCLUSION
• Special Test penalties:
• Recording a time less than target time – target time
• Recording a time greater than target time – actual time taken, up to the test maximum
• Striking a cone or other obstacle placed by the organisers – 30 seconds per offence
• Incorrect procedure at a chicane or other obstacle placed by the organisers – 30 seconds per offence
• Failure to “stop astride”, where instructed to do so – 60 seconds per offence
• Incorrect route taken (i.e. not in accordance with the diagram provided) – test maximum
• All the following will carry a penalty of EXCLUSION:-
• Failure to stop at any junction where competitors are instructed to do so, or not stopping in the approved manner (see ASR 10)
• Entering an area designated as Out of Bounds
• Breach of Technical Regulations concerning the use of lights, or breaching the Construction and Use of Vehicles regulations
• Excessive noise, excessive speed or driving in a manner likely to bring the sport into disrepute
• Damaged or ineffective silencer system
• Damage to car in excess of that defined in R15.1.4
• Receiving assistance contrary to R7.2.4
• Unauthorised alteration of Time, Passage or Special Test cards
• Not reporting at any Main Control
• Breach of regulations R2.6, R5.4-R5.4.5, R7.2.3, R7.2.9, R15.1.2
• Evidence of the fuel tank seal having been tampered with or broken
• Using tyres other than those marked at scrutineering
• Entering results room without permission
Assessment of performance will be, firstly, by number of Fails, then by number of marks (minutes) and seconds lost. Ties will be resolved by furthest cleanest, smaller engine size or any other method decided on by the organisers. Provisional results will be displayed at the Finish, as soon as possible after maximum permitted lateness of the last car, in accordance with D26. Any protests must be made in accordance with C5, in writing, and handed to one of the Clerks of the Course or Stewards. Competitors must not, under penalty of Exclusion (as per n)xi) above), enter the results room unless invited by the Stewards, or one of the Clerks of the Course.
The organisers reserve the right to cancel sections of the event, should they deem it fairer to do so, force majeure notwithstanding. Time controls where, in the organisers’ opinion, inaccurate times may have been given, will be considered as passage controls.
A copy of all results will be available to download online within fourteen days of the event (from the Rally Roots website).
• Scrutineering
Scrutineering will be in accordance with the Road Traffic Act General Regulations Section C and the Technical Regulations of Motorsport UK.
Cars will also be required to undergo a Noise Test prior to scrutineering, and any vehicle recording over the prescribed limit, at two thirds maximum engine speed, will not be permitted to start. Noise checks may be carried engine speed, will not be permitted to start. Noise checks may be carried out en route and at the Finish. Any vehicle failing either the Noise Test or scrutineering will not be permitted to start, nor be entitled to any refund of entry fee.
Attention will be paid to the following at Scrutineering:–
a) All tyres must be e-marked, including spare wheels, and comply with current requirements (at the time of publication of these regulations). All tyres on the vehicle, plus any spares being carried in the vehicle, will be marked at scrutineering, and only these may be used on the event.
b) Brakes – where hydraulic handbrakes are fitted, a cable system must also be fitted AND be operationalal.
c) Lights – must comply with the Road Traffic Act; no more than four forward facing lights to be fitted, excluding sidelights and indicators; spotlights must extinguish on dipped beam; reversing lights not to to exceed 24 watts total and be fitted with an illuminated switch if independently operated; all indicators, sidelights, brake lights and number plate lights to be working.
d) No excessive steering play.
e) Flexible fuel lines must be secured with steel clips.
f) Washers, wipers and horn to be operational.
g) Battery must be secure and earth lead coloured yellow, and with the positive terminal insulated.
h) Seats must be secure; rear seats must be fitted.
i) No loose items within the vehicle, or in the boot.
j) Throttle linkage to be in good order.
k) A maximum of two spare wheels may be carried and must be securely located.
l) First Aid kits must be carried.
m) Warning triangles must be carried.
n) Spill kits must be carried, as per R18.6.5 and J5.20.13.
o) Cars to be in possession of a current MOT, and have a current valid road fund licence.
p) Vehicle Registration Document must be produced. If this is not in the name of the driver on the event, written proof must be shown that the car is being used with the permission of the owner.
q) Bodywork and paintwork to be in good serviceable order.
r) Air filters must be fitted.
s) No radio transmitting devices may be fitted. Competitors may carry mobile phones, but they must be SWITCHED OFF for the duration of the event, and must ONLY be used in the event of an emergency i.e. to to summon help after retiring from the event and/or to contact any of the emergency services should the need arise.
t) No temporary parts may be fitted to silencer systems, in order to help meet the noise levels for the event.
u) No additional fuel may be carried by competitors in containers. Fuel may only be that which is in the fuel tank. Any competitor found to be carrying fuel cans/containers, of any description, will be excluded from the event.
• Controls
There will be 5 types of control Main Control, Time Control, Passage Control, Route Checks, and DSO Checks.
At each Main and Time control, the marshal will enter the time shown on the control clock and sign the competitor’s time card in the appropriate place. At Passage controls, the marshal will sign the passage card only. At any Route Check , or in the event of any unmanned Passage Controls, a code board may be used , which will display numbers and/or letters, which
must be recorded by circling the appropriate letters /numbers and signed for at the next manned control, whether Time or Passage (DSOs will NOT countersign code board details). Any controls visited out of order will be deemed not to have been visited at all. ONLY THE LETTERS AND NUMBERS DISPLAYED ON THE BOARD MUST BE CIRCLED. IF YOU CIRCLE ANY OTHER LETTERS AND/OR NUMBERS, YOU WILL BE PENALISED AS PER ASR 11 h).
At DSO Checks , the location of which will not be known in advance by competitors, the control board will be at the site of the control. Competitors must stop and obtain a signature before proceeding.
Sections of the route will contain not on map triangles; these controls or checks will have a control radius of 3 metres. They will be identified on the route card and accompanying handout, and be preceded by a control board on the correct direction of approach.
All controls will open 15 minutes prior to the due time of car 0 and close 31 minutes after the due time of car 90, other than MC 2N, which will close 46 minutes after the due time of car 90.
A competitor who causes any form of harassment to any marshal/official, or who remains in a control area subsequent to an instruction to depart, will be reported to the Stewards and may be excluded from the event. It is not the duty of any marshal to interpret regulations or any other written instructions. It is the competitor’s responsibility to read and understand any regulation or notice. If in doubt, please ask at the start.
Any altered time card will be accepted ONLY if alterations are initialled by the marshal at that particular control. It is the competitor’s responsibility to ensure that the marshal initials the card; any competitor who alters a card, forges a signature, or defaces it, will be excluded.
• Timing
The event will use the scheduled timing method. Timing will be by digital clocks, using British Summer Time (GMT plus one hour). Competitors are advised to set their watches at the start of the event.
Standard Sections are sections where a penalty will be applied for late or early arrival. Timing at any time controls on such sections will be when the time card is presented to the marshal, NOT when the competitor passes the control board. Competitors may NOT reduce lateness at such controls, and may wait for a later time, providing they do not block the road for other competitors or road users.
Neutral Sections will be deemed QUIET sections and are used to through densely populated areas or PR-sensitive areas. Competitors must proceed with the minimum of noise, in a high a gear as possible and within any designated speed limits for the area. They are timed at a low average speed and must be traversed without the use of auxiliary lights, except as permitted by law when driving in fog, should such conditions arise. There will be no penalty for reporting late at the end of such sections, but any lateness incurred will be cumulative towards that competitor’s maximum permitted lateness. Any lateness incurred elsewhere cannot be recovered on Neutral Sections.
Competitors may also be instructed to reduce lateness at certain points en route e.g. Main Controls.
Competitors may, if they wish, miss one or more controls. They will be penalised in accordance with paragraph 10 of these regulations for every control missed. If they rejoin at a control at the end of a Standard Section, they will be permitted to restart, without further penalty, at any time between their original scheduled time and their maximum permitted lateness, this being in relation to their original scheduled time. If they rejoin at the end of a Neutral Section, they will only be allowed to restart without further penalty at their official corrected time, taken at the last timed control they reported at within their maximum permitted lateness.
Where a control at the end of a section timed to the second also forms the start of a section timed to the minute, the time allowed for that section will be taken as the time recorded at the last control, ignoring the seconds.
• Insurance
Competitors will be responsible for arranging their own insurance no blanket cover will apply on this event. Competitors will need to provide evidence of cover with their entry.
• Damage
All competitors must complete a damage declaration form at the finish of the event. Should any competitor retire from the event, the form must be signed, stating reason for retirement and location, or last control visited, and this must be forwarded to the Entry Secretary within 72 hours of the event.
• Pace Notes
The use of pace notes and/or any map marking, other than those supplied by the organisers, is expressly forbidden. Navigation on the event must be carried out only using the maps inspected at signing-on by the organisers. Any other form of navigation will be classed as pace notes and will result in the exclusion of that competitor. Checks will be carried out during the event.
• Driving Standards Observers
Competitors who fail to stop when requested by a DSO will be reported to the Clerks of the Course, and may be subsequently excluded. The presence of a “DSO” board will indicate the presence of such an official in that area.
• Service
Service, and any other form of outside assistance, will NOT be permitted during the event. Competitors may, however, work unaided, and may borrow tools or equipment from fellow competitors only. The penalty for infringing this regulation is EXCLUSION.
• Photographs
The official photographer for the event will be Brian Gilbert.